Introduction of this Arduino ADC
In this post, we talk about the Analogic-Digital Converter (ADC) 16-bits module ADS1115 for Arduino industrial automation controller. You will find some information about the module and the way to connect with industrial Arduino automation and read analog values.
The ADS1115 is a precision analog-to-digital converter with 16-bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless WFN_10 package or an MSOP-10 package. It is designed with precision, power and ease of implementation in mind. Data are transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected.
Technical features about ADS1115
Power-Supply Voltage |
Storage Temperature |
Specified Temperature |
Analog Input Voltage |
Resolution |
Data Rate (DR) |
Data Rate Variation |
Supply Current |
Power dissipation |
2.0 to 5.5 V |
-60 to +150 ºC |
-40 to +125 ºC |
GND to VCC V |
16 Bits |
8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 250, 475, 860 SPS |
-10 to 10 % |
150 - 200 uA |
VDD = 5.0, 3.3, 2.0 V |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
All data rates |
Operating current at 25 ºC |
0.9, 0.5, 0.3 mW |
According to Hardware Configuration (page 11) of the ADS115 Datasheet. The connections are the following:
Arduino Mega
M-Duino PLC controller Arduino
To be able to read the Analog Pins values in a more comfortable and easy way, we advise using the Adafruit ADS1115 Library. Here you gave the link: Adafruit_ADS1115.
Once you have downloaded the .zip file, in the Arduino IDE go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library... You will find the .zip file Adafruit_ADS1X15-master in the Downloads folder. Now we can include the Adafruit_ADS1015.h header in our programs in order to use the functions that we have available.
The same code for Arduino Mega or M-Duino programmable logic controller Arduino.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1015.h>
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads;
const float multiplier = 0.0001875F;
void setup() {
// There are different GAINs
// ads.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); +/- 6.144V 1 bit = 0.1875mV (default)
// ads.setGain(GAIN_ONE); +/- 4.096V 1 bit = 0.125mV
// ads.setGain(GAIN_TWO); +/- 2.048V 1 bit = 0.0625mV
// ads.setGain(GAIN_FOUR); +/- 1.024V 1 bit = 0.03125mV
// ads.setGain(GAIN_EIGHT); +/- 0.512V 1 bit = 0.015625mV
// ads.setGain(GAIN_SIXTEEN); +/- 0.256V 1 bit = 0.0078125mV
void loop() {
int16_t adc0;
adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0);
Serial.print("Analog 0: ");
// Read value from 0 to 32767 from 16 bits register, so it's necessary to convert to real value
// by multiplying by 0.0001875 (GAIN)
Serial.println(adc0 * multiplier);
// There are different GAINs // ads.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); +/- 6.144V 1 bit = 0.1875mV (default) // ads.setGain(GAIN_ONE); +/- 4.096V 1 bit = 0.125mV // ads.setGain(GAIN_TWO); +/- 2.048V 1 bit = 0.0625mV // ads.setGain(GAIN_FOUR); +/- 1.024V 1 bit = 0.03125mV // ads.setGain(GAIN_EIGHT); +/- 0.512V 1 bit = 0.015625mV // ads.setGain(GAIN_SIXTEEN); +/- 0.256V 1 bit = 0.0078125mV
ads.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS); ads.begin(); } void loop() { int16_t adc0; adc0 = ads.readADC_SingleEnded(0); Serial.print("Analog 0: ");
// Read value from 0 to 32767 from 16 bits register, so it's necessary to convert to real value
// by multiplying by 0.0001875 (GAIN)
Serial.println(adc0 * multiplier); delay(1000); }
To test the program we connected the Power Supply to A0 at 2.5 V. That's the result in the Serial Monitor:
- With multiplier = 1. The decimal value of the 16 bit register.
- With Multiplier = 0.0001875F. The decimal value of the 16 bit register is multiplied by the appropriate multiplier to get the real value representation in V units.
It is also possible to use the module ADS1115 to Raspberry Pi.
Arduino ADC (Analogical - Digital Converter) board for industrial Arduino