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Touchberry 10.1 - RS485 device

Peter Babič

The question has been closed for reason: not relevant or out dated

Ricard Franch Argullol
on 03/07/2023 05:19:38


where can we find any documentation about the RS485 for Touchberry 10.1 with RTC+UPS+RS485 model?

It has the M8 connector, the middle of the three pins is connected to the supply ground, so I assumed that other two pins are A and B for RS485.

But no matter what I tried, I could not get any modbus RTU device to do anything.

List of devices I tried:







I have also tried to swap the A and B.

The exact same modbus RTU command works on other devices with the USB-to-RS485 dongle.

Please help.
