There are companies that will use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to analyze and predict machine health, inspect and perform maintenance using Reality technologies and by looking at the full lifecycle of raw materials, identify the origin of defective parts.
The Industrial Internet of Things will change the current picture of the maintenance, moving from the current status, to the predictive. This change will impact in several ways, not only in maintenance and risks costs, but also in the quality and the waste of time due to downtimes. Together with the maintenance, the IIoT will affect also in the whole manufacturing cycle, optimizing the inventory management and supply chain.
In the industry, connected products are growing day by day; this will facilitate the accuracy of the predictions failures before they happen and prevent these failures, known as negative latency. The better we know the lifecycle products and services, the better planning and managing we will have, affecting the whole production lifecycle.
Artificial intelligence
Machine Learning and complementary tools
Vr and ar
Virtual and augmented reality
Industrial Internet of Things
Digital Transformation of Industrial Automation