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RS-232 test on M-Duino PLUS version

April 19, 2023 by
RS-232 test on M-Duino PLUS version
Alejandro Jabalquinto


This post, shows how to test the RS-232 M-Duino PLUS version.


Ethernet PLC:              Ethernet PLC         

RS-232 Library ( Included in our boards package ) :     Industrial Shields boards    


Connecting an M-Duino with other equipment through RS-232.

 On the Sketch is showed that you must send a 0xA5 thought RS-232 to complete this test.

RS-232 Test sketch:


#include <RS232.h>

void setup() { Serial.begin(9600L); Serial.println("mduino-plus test RS-232 started"); RS232.begin(9600L);
} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop() { while (RS232.available()) {;
} RS232.write(0xa5);
delay(50); if ( == 0xa5) {
Serial.println("RS232 (RS232) OK");
} else { Serial.println("RS232 FAIL"); } delay(1000); }

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RS-232 test on M-Duino PLUS version
Alejandro Jabalquinto April 19, 2023
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