Hi, I've got a PLC ESP32 21.
For my application I'll soon need more than 1.3MB of program space. Theoretically it should be possible to reduce the SPIFFS partition size (which I won't need) to have more program space. See the video "#222 More Memory for the ESP32 without Soldering (How-to adapt partition sizes)" by Andreas Spiess on Youtube for more info.
On barebones ESP32, the Arduino IDE offers a submenu in Tools with different partitioning options (see minute 3:58 in the video). However, when the PLC ESP32 is selected this option is not available. Is there an alternative way to do it?
Even if the submenu is not available, I can see that Industrial Shields does have some partition tables prepared in: \Users\Eduard\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\industrialshields\hardware\esp32\2.2.4\tools\partitions
In my case I would likely need the huge_app.csv.
Thanks for any help.