Monitoring water quality in the Ucayali river basin (Perú)

Hydrometric stations implementation proposal
The implementation of this automatic system for measuring hydrometric levels in the Ucayali river basin will allow real-time recording of the variation of the river level and flow at different points. The pilot having started at the LPO station, as shown in the following graph.
Pucallpa - Pilot installation

Ucayali river gauging process and calibration

Monitoring of surface water quality in real time
Automated registration of daily and hourly data.
Parameters evaluated:
- Temperature
- EC
- Dissolved O2
- pH
Individual sensors permanently coupled in the hydrometric station.
Sensor cost approx. S /. 8,000 soles.
01 year calibration certificate accredited by INACAL.
Information collected every hour per year.
Registration of automated water quality parameters
Automated registration of daily and hourly data.
Parameters evaluated:
- Temperature
- EC
- Dissolved O2
- pH
Individual sensors permanently coupled in the hydrometric station.
Sensor cost approx. S /. 8,000 soles.
01 year calibration certificate accredited by INACAL.
Information collected every hour per year.