The type of open-source license is becoming more and more common in industry 4.0. Whether they are open source projects, such as open-source hardware or open-source software, they turn out to be more and more searched words on Google.
In today's post, we will create a dashboard for open-source software, such as, through which we can visualize the data of our application with IoT through MQTT.
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MQTT is an OASIS standard messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT). It is designed as an extremely lightweight publish/subscribe messaging transport that is ideal for connecting remote devices with a small code footprint and minimal network bandwidth. MQTT today is used in a wide variety of industries, such as automotive, manufacturing, telecommunications, oil and gas, etc.
A dashboard is an information management tool used to track, analyze, and display key performance indicators, metrics, and data points such as sensor values, among others.
ThingsBoard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management.
It enables device connectivity via industry standard IoT protocols - MQTT, CoAP and HTTP and supports both cloud and on-premises deployments. ThingsBoard combines scalability, fault-tolerance and performance so you will never lose your data.
So, once we know what is the ThingsBoard open-source platform, let's follow these steps in order to create our dashboard:
- Install ThingsBoard on industrial Raspberry PLC >
- Install Docker:
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
- curl -sSL | sh
- sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
- groups ${USER}
- Start with ThingsBoard >
- Follow step 1
- Follow step 2
- Select MQTT
- Install Mosquitto in your industrial Raspberry Pi PLC
From your Raspberry Pi industrial PLC with the Mosquitto installed, you will have to run the following command:mosquitto_pub -d -q 1 -h "IP-HOST-ADDRESS-HERE" -p "1883" -t "v1/devices/me/telemetry" -u "ACCES-TOKEN-HERE" -m MESSAGE-HEREIf you go to "Devices", in the line where your device is, there is a shield at the right-side. If you select "Access token", you can modify it or get it from there in order to set it after the -u parameter.In the -h parameter, add the hostname. In our case, we will set the IP address of the open source PLC Raspberry Pi:
mosquitto_pub -d -q 1 -h "" -p "1883" -t "v1/devices/me/telemetry" -u "is-access-token" -m {"temperature":23}
Go back to your PC and follow the steps until step 3.4, in order to add a chart widget with the incoming data from MQTT.
Create an IoT ThingsBoard Dashboard with Raspberry Pi PLC & MQTT