An introduction to Wolkabout

December 10, 2018 by
An introduction to Wolkabout
Alejandro Jabalquinto


Wolkabout IoT Platform is a combination of backend software and databases that are thought to manage the devices and applications of a company. As the developers say Wolkabout is the “Heart and Brain” of an IoT solution.

Wolkabout IoT Platform
It has a flexible configuration and it is able to show setups like this one:
 setups - An introduction to Wolkabout
It is backed up with backend software and databases which allows to storage all the data in there. Also, the data can be shown using this platform, creating all kind of graphs and diagrams to take a visual perception of the information storaged. 

  visual perception of the information storaged

It also comes with a Box mobile phoneApp Monitoring.
Box mobile phoneApp Monitoring
It is an excellent platform for companies that want to have everything in order. This program is for having everything under control.

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An introduction to Wolkabout
Alejandro Jabalquinto December 10, 2018
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