Librería SQLServer para PLCs Arduino y ESP32

Consejo importante sobre el uso de la base de datos con Arduino
17 de abril de 2023 por
Librería SQLServer para PLCs Arduino y ESP32
Serzh Ohanyan
Cómo conectar y utilizar una base de datos MSSQL con la librería tdslite utilizando nuestros PLCs basados en Arduino y ESP32


En este post, verás como conectar y usar una base de datos MSSQL con la librería tdslite usando nuestros PLCs basados en Arduino y ESP32.

Esta librería puede usarse para conectarse a servidores MSSQL usando los PLCs basados en Arduino y ESP32 de Industrial Shields. Es una implementación básica que se puede utilizar para ejecutar consultas como SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE y DELETE.


Aquí puedes encontrar el enlace de la biblioteca:

Link tdslite MSSQL library >> 

La biblioteca se puede instalar fácilmente utilizando el gestor de bibliotecas del IDE de Arduino.


Aquí tienes una versión modificada del ejemplo select-rows incluido con la librería. Este programa sigue los siguientes pasos::

  1. IInicializa las interfaces serie y Ethernet..
  2. Inicializa tdslite: se utiliza una estructura para rellenar los parámetros necesarios para conectarse a la base de datos (como la dirección IP, las credenciales, etc.) y, a continuación, se establece la conexión con la base de datos.
  3. Crea una tabla en la base de datos. Esta tabla es utilizada por la prueba.
  4. Loop: inserta datos en la tabla creada anteriormente y, a continuación, realiza una consulta.

#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <tdslite.h>

// Serial output uses ~175 bytes of SRAM space
// and ~840 bytes of program memory.


#define SERIAL_PRINTF_PROGMEM(FMTPM, ...)                                                          \
    char buf [64] = {};                                                                            \
    snprintf_P(buf, sizeof(buf), FMTPM, ##__VA_ARGS__);                                            \

#define SERIAL_PRINTF(FMTSTR, ...)                                                                 \
    [&]() {                                                                                        \
        /* Save format string into program */                                                      \
        /* memory to save flash space */                                                           \
        static const char __fmtpm [] PROGMEM = FMTSTR;                                             \
        SERIAL_PRINTF_PROGMEM(__fmtpm, ##__VA_ARGS__)                                              \

#define SERIAL_PRINTLNF_PROGMEM(FMTPM, ...)                                                        \
    SERIAL_PRINTF_PROGMEM(FMTPM, ##__VA_ARGS__)                                                    \
    Serial.println("");                                                                            \

#define SERIAL_PRINTLNF(FMTSTR, ...)                                                               \
    SERIAL_PRINTF(FMTSTR, ##__VA_ARGS__);                                                          \
    Serial.println("");                                                                            \

#define SERIAL_PRINT_U16_AS_MB(U16SPAN)                                                            \
    [](tdsl::u16char_view v) {                                                                     \
        for (const auto ch : v) {                                                                  \
            Serial.print(static_cast<char>(ch));                                                   \
        }                                                                                          \

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * The network buffer.
 * The library will use this buffer for network I/O.
 * The buffer must be at least 512 bytes in size.
 * In order to have some headroom for fragmentation
 * it is recommended to allocate 768 bytes at least.
 * The actual size need for network buffer is depends
 * on your use case.
 * TODO: Extend this section
tdsl::uint8_t net_buf [768] = {};

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * The tdslite driver object.
 * tdsl::arduino_driver class is a templated type
 * where the template argument is the TCP client
 * implementation compatible with Arduino's
 * EthernetClient interface.
 * The client will be initialized internally.
tdsl::arduino_driver<EthernetClient> driver{net_buf};

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * MAC address for the ethernet interface
byte mac [] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xEE};

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * IP address for the ethernet interface.
 * Change it according to your network address space
IPAddress ip(10, 42, 0, 0);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * The setup function initializes Serial output,
 * Ethernet interface, tdslite library and then
 * the database tables.
void setup() {
    while (!Serial)

    // Initialize ethernet interface

    // The reason we're not using DHCP here is, this is
    // a minimal example with absolute minimum space
    // requirements, so the code can work on boards with
    // tight memory constraints (i.e. Arduino Uno/Nano)
    // DHCP requires UDP, UDP requires extra space.
    // We're not using DHCP here to save some program
    // memory and SRAM space.

    SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Initializing ethernet interface");
    // Try to configure ethernet interface
    // with given MAC and IP
    Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

    // Check if *any* ethernet hardware is detected.
    if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) {
        SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Error: No ethernet hardware detected!");
        // Ethernet shield not detected
        while (true) {
    // Initialize tdslite

    // Declare a connection parameters struct. We will fill this struct
    // with the details of the SQL server/database we want to connect to.
    // We're using progmem_connection_parameters here, because we want to
    // store database connection parameters in program memory in order to
    // save some precious SRAM space.
    decltype(driver)::progmem_connection_parameters params;
    // Server's hostname or IP address.
    params.server_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR(""); // WL
    // SQL server port number
    params.port        = 1433; // default port is 1433
    // SQL server login user
    params.user_name   = TDSL_PMEMSTR("SA");
    // SQL server login user password
    params.password    = TDSL_PMEMSTR("12345678Aa.");
    // Client name(optional)
    //params.client_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR("arduino mega");
    // App name(optional)
    //params.app_name    = TDSL_PMEMSTR("sketch");
    // Database name(optional)
    params.db_name     = TDSL_PMEMSTR("TestDB");
    // TDS packet size
    // Recommendation: Half of the network buffer.
    // This is the PDU size that TDS protocol will use.
    // Given that the example has 768 bytes of network buffer space,
    // we set this to 512 to allow some headroom for fragmentation.
    params.packet_size = {512};

    SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Initializing tdslite");

    // Try to connect with given parameters. If connection succeeds,
    // the `result` will be e_driver_error_code::success. Otherwise,
    // the connection attempt has failed.
    auto result = driver.connect(params);

    if (not(decltype(driver)::e_driver_error_code::success == result)) {
        SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Error: Database connection failed!");
        // Database connection failed.
        while (true) {

// Initialize the database

  driver.execute_query(TDSL_PMEMSTR("CREATE TABLE #example_table(a varchar \
(12),b int)"));

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* How many times the loop function has
* been invoked.
static int loop_counter = {0};

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Handle row data coming from tdsl driver
* @param [in] u user pointer (table_context)
* @param [in] colmd Column metadata
* @param [in] row Row information
static void row_callback(void * u, const tdsl::tds_colmetadata_token & colmd,
const tdsl::tdsl_row & row) {
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("row: %.4s %d", row [0].as<tdsl::char_view>().data(),
row [1].as<tdsl::int32_t>());

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The loop function executes INSERT query every
* 1 second, and SELECT query every 10 seconds.
void loop() {
// Your queries goes here.

auto query{TDSL_PMEMSTR("INSERT INTO #example_table VALUES('test', 1)")};
SERIAL_PRINTF("Executing query: ");
auto result = driver.execute_query(query);
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Rows affected: %d", result.affected_rows);

// Execute SELECT query on every tenth loop.
if (0 == (loop_counter % 10)) {
auto query{TDSL_PMEMSTR("SELECT * FROM #example_table")};
SERIAL_PRINTF("Executing query: ");
// We're using the row
auto result = driver.execute_query(query, row_callback);
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Rows affected: %d", result.affected_rows);


// Increment the loop counter.
Industrial Shields ESP32 PLC


Conectar y utilizar una base de datos MSSQL con la librería tdslite utilizando PLCs industriales basados en Arduino y ESP32 es una forma sencilla y eficiente de ejecutar consultas SQL básicas.

Esto puede aumentar enormemente las capacidades de los sistemas de automatización industrial y mejorar su eficacia general.

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Librería SQLServer para PLCs Arduino y ESP32
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