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Touchberry UPS


I have a 7'' Touchberry with a built in UPS, and I'm reading GPIO 24 (UPS MONITOR (IN)) and the value is remaining at 0, and the HMI is powering off after a few seconds after a power fail. What is the expected run time of the UPS and how do I enable it? There appears to be a UPS solder jumper internally but it is not documented anywhere. Cheers, Anthony

4 Respuestas
Mejor respuesta

Hi Anthony,

The time expected to turn off the UPS is 6s and is already enable. And for the solder jumper, can you send me a picture to [email protected] and we investigate it.

Thank you very much.

3 Comentarios
Dominic Germana

I am having a similar problem with a UPSberry. I believe I have the Raspberry Pi configured correctly, with the rpishutdown executable in /usr/local/bin, and rpishutdown.service in /lib/systemd/system.

GPIO24 (labeled as "UPS control to Raspberry" in the user manual) measures 0v with a multimeter. If I apply 3.3V to GPIO24, then the Raspberry Pi shuts down gracefully, so I assume that is the behavior implemented by the rpishutdown executable.

However, when I unplug the 24V power source (which is the sole power source in my application), the GPIO24 stays at 0V, it never rises to 3.3V, so the Pi does not shut down gracefully.

Please help, is there some other connection I need to make on the UPSberry board so the auto shutdown will work correctly when 24V power is removed?

Thank you,


Dominic Germana

Upon further investigation, I found a way to make it work, but it still seems like maybe something is wrong with the UPSberry hardware design or configuration.

I found that by attaching a 1k resistor between GPIO23 and GPIO24, the "input" GPIO24 is pulled up to nearly 3.3V, so that the rpishutdown executable sees a GPIO HIGH.

Then, when I disconnect the 24V power input, GPIO24 drops to 0V (there must be some circuitry that turns on a FET to short the pin to GND when the 24V supply is removed), and then the rpishutdown executable must shut down the Pi upon detecting the GPIO falling edge to LOW.

It seems strange that I would need to add an external pullup resistor between GPIO23 and GPIO24. I'm very surprised that the component isn't already on the board if it's required for the shutdown behavior to work properly.

By the way, a couple of additional feedback items that I noticed:

- Section 1.3 of the user manual shows VDC and GND inputs swapped at the power input terminal block. Thankfully they are labeled correctly in the silkscreen.

- Section 1.5 of the user manual, in the color-coded description block at the botton RS485 and UPS colors are swapped.

Thank you,


Support Team

Dear Dominic, which software version are you using to control the UPS ?

Please find attached the latest version here:

The problem lies in the fact that this same thing that has been done manually in the UPS by soldering the 1K resistors, is solved in the libraries that we use in the same service of the RPI shutdown. Internally in the program, the GPIO24 input is declared as a 3.3Vdc pull-up, with which internally it performs the same circuit you mentioned. It may be that your service version is not the most current (this modification was already changed 4-5 months ago, so we think that your version is not the newest one).
