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Technical Details

M-DUINO PLC Arduino Ethernet 50RRA I/Os Relay/Analog/Digital PLUS


Initial Installation


Industrial controller Arduino IDE is the Original platform to program Arduino boards. This cross-platform application is available on Windows, macOS and Linux and under the GNU General Public License.
Arduino IDE supports C and C++ code structuring. Industrial Shields recommend using Industrial Arduino automation IDE to program Arduino Based PLC’s, but any Arduino industrial automation control system compatible software are compatible with
Industrial Shields Controllers. Apart from that, Industrial Shields bring the possibility to select your Arduino based PLC into your Arduino IDE and compile your sketches for the different PLC controller (programmable logic controller)

Download the Arduino IDE 1.8.6: 

Windows Installer


Install Industrial Shields units to Arduino IDE:

Industrialshields boards

Inputs & Outputs


Voltage variation  between –Vcc (or GND) and +Vcc, can take any value. An analog input provides a coded measurement in the form of a
digital value with an N-bit number.  In Digital and Analog I/O there’s self insulation, so its posible to connect them in a different power supply
than 24 V.  

Inputs:  (12x) Analog (0-10Vdc, 10bit) / Digital (7-24Vdc) configurables by software. 

To know more about analog inputs... 


Arduino PLC Analog Imputs Typical Connection


Voltage variation  from  –Vcc (or GND)  to  +Vcc, with no intermediate values. Two states: 0 (-Vcc or GND) and 1 (+Vcc).  In Digital and Analog I/O there’s self insulation, so its posible to connect them in a different power supply than 24 V.  

Inputs:  (12x) Analog (0-10Vdc, 10bit) / Digital (7-24Vdc) configurables by software.

All digital inputs are PNP.

To know more about digital inputs...


- Digital Isolated Input

Arduino PLC Digital Isolated Imput Typical Connection 

- Digital No Isolated Input

Arduino PLC Digital No Isolated Imput Typical Connection


Interrupt Service Rutine.  A mechanism that allows a function to be associated with the occurance of a particular event. When the event
occurs the processor exits immediately from the normal flow of the program and runs the associated ISR function ignoring any other task. 

Inputs:  (6x) Interrupt Inputs (5-24Vdc). “Can work like Digital Input (24Vdc)”.

Interrupt Arduino Mega Pin M-Duino Pin
INT0 2 I0.0
INT1 3 I0.1
INT4 19 I1.1
INT5 18 I1.0
INT2 21 I2.6/INT2
INT3 20 I2.5/INT3

    - I0.0 and I0.1 also as Pin3 and Pin2. Enable Interrupts turning ON the switches number 3 and 4 of down communication switches.
    - I1.0 and I1.0 also as Tx1 and Rx1. Enable Interrupts turning ON the switches number 1 and 2 of up communication switches.
    I2.5/INT3 and I2.6/INT2 also as SCA and SCL. Enable Interrupts turning ON the switches number 3 and 4 of up communication switches. In this case you won’t be able to use I2C.

To know more about interrupt inputs...


Arduino PLC Interrupt Service Rutine TYPICAL CONNECTION


In this example we activate INT0 using pin I0_0 from M-duino board. When there’s a change  

#define INTERRUPT I0_0 //other pins: I0_1, I0_6, I2_6, I2_5, I1_6, I1_5 (M-Duino) I0_0, I0_3, I0_2, I0_1 (Ardbox)

volatile bool state = false;

void setup() {
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT), function_call_back, CHANGE);

void loop() {
  if (state == true){
    Serial.println("Interrupt activated");
    state = false;

void function_call_back(){ //Change led state
  state = true;