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53RRA+ Serial communication with Linux host using a dedicated power supply

Idan Sheinberg

 I wish to power my M-Duino using an external power supply (24V) and enable serial port communication from my Linux Host to the M-Duino (The Linux Side is Connected using  a USB cable)

I have a USB <-> four wire cable (Power/GND/RX/TX). Where exactly should I connect (and which wires) in order to achieve this functionality? Do I need a separate USB to RS232 adapter?


2 Respuestas
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In order to properly work with our industrial PLCs the device must be powered with an external power supply from 12 to 24 Vdc. In order to achieve a Serial connection, you can use the Serial1 (Rx1 & Tx1) or the RS232 pins. If you are using a USB protocol, you should connect the Ground to one of the GND pins of the device, the Vcc to a 5Vdc output pin and the Tx & Rx to the Serial pins depending on the option that you have.

Take in mind that if you need an USB-TTL you need to work using the Serial1. If you are working with an USB-RS232 adapter, you will need to connect to the RS232 pins. We offer a USB-RS232 compatible with our devices!

Idan Sheinberg
Mejor respuesta

Thank you very much. I will check that out.
