Develop your SCADA Application based on NodeRED


Course 10 Chapters of General Content [IS.AC002.GC]


NodeRED is a open source programming tool, based in NodeJS, to develop applications in order to interact with different hardware's. Also Node-RED provide a browser editor that make easier to program and configure your own applications.    

See more information of Node-RED in the official website: Node-RED about

The first step of this course w ill be how to install NodeRed application in your personal computer. Before install Node-RED we must install NodeJS.  

How to install NodeJS

 Just go the official website of NodeJS and download the NodeJS source code or a pre-build installer for your OS: NodeJS Download 

If you want to install it from the Linux command line:   

Add the repository:  

 sudo apt install curl 

For the latest release, type:  

 curl -sL | sudo bash - 

For the LTS release, type:

curl -sL | sudo bash - 

 Finally to install NODEJS type: 

 sudo apt install nodejs 

How to install Node-RED

After installing the NodeJS our computer is ready to install Node-RED.  The best way to install Node-RED is to use the node packae manager, npm, that already comes with Node.js.  

Windows OS

Type to the command prompt:

                            npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red

Linux OS

Type to command line:

sudo npm install -g --unsafe perm node-red

Take a look on the official installation guide to know more details: Node-RED install

Once you have installed the Node-RED you are able to proceed with the next chapter of the course, 

and now we will see how to install Node Red on your Raspberry Pi.

Install Node Red on your Raspberry Pi

The content of this chapter is how to install our NodeRED application to one of our Touchberry Pi or other Panels PC based in Linux. This type of applications are very used for our customers because it's a easy and robust way to have a SCADA touch panel next to the installation. Another point that we will focus during the chapter is how to  add the autostart capability, so once we torn on the panel the system will show us directly the NodeRED application. 

Installation and Upgrade

Depending which version of Panel PC we will have installed different version of Debian or Ubuntu. Upgrade or install the last version of NodeRED into your system typing in the terminal:   

bash <(curl -sL       

Update npm before installing any package using the following comands:

 cd ~/.node-red npm outdated npm update 

Running NodeRED

To start NodeRED open a new terminal window and type:


*Closing the terminal or ctrl-c does not stop the NodeRED running. It will continue running in the background. 

To stop, type:


Autostart on boot

Probably in your application you will want that the NodeRED start when you turn on your Touchberry Pi. In order to do that we will open the terminal again and type:

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

and to disable type:

sudo systemctl disable nodered.service

These are the basics to install NodeRED to our Touchberry Pi or other Linux based Industrial Shields panel PC. 

If you need additional information about that follow the next link.

Please, answer this  Survey   and receive the next lesson!

MQTT client for Arduino based PLC as a I/Os module.

How to visualize inputs 

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How to interact with Outputs

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How to configure your Industrial Shields PLC through MQTT

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Communications: How to read variables from a Slave device

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Install NodeRed on Raspberry Pi or Industrial Panel PC based on Raspberry(Linux)

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Alarms Manager

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Data Base Creation

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Build a Graphic of saved Values and how to download a file

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Coming soon...