Node-RED Tutorial: How to set a countdown on Raspberry Pi PLC controller

Learn how to combine Node-RED & Raspberry PLC to optimise your plant with Raspberry Pi automation
September 10, 2021 by
Node-RED Tutorial: How to set a countdown on Raspberry Pi PLC controller
Boot & Work Corp. S.L., Fernandez Queralt Martinez


Sometimes when performing tasks, you want certain actions to take place during a certain time. The traffic lights system would be an example. Also, if you are performing a maintenance task on a conveyor belt and you want it to be activated for 30 seconds to check its correct operation once repaired, you would be interested in setting a countdown to check this action.

In this post, you will learn how to create a basic Dashboard to set a countdown so that an output from your Raspberry Pi based PLC remains active during the countdown, and is deactivated when this countdown is over. Then, thanks to industrial automation, we will get an automated plant.

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 Prior checking

First, let's do a pre-check to make sure that Node-RED is correctly installed on your industrial Raspberry PLC:

1. Make sure that Node-RED is rightly installed in your Raspberry Pi industrial PLC:

    a. If it is a service, type the following at the command line:

        sudo systemctl status nodered.service

    b. If it is not a service, but is installed, start it:


    c. If it is not installed, run the following command to install Node.js, npm and Node-RED on an industrial Raspberry Pi PLC: 

bash <(curl -sL

2. Go to the config.txt from your open source PLC Raspberry Pi:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

And make sure these lines are commented out:

Comment them if they are not, and reboot the device to apply changes.

3. You must have installed the node-red-dashboard nodes.


To have a countdown node to be able to set the timeout, let's download the node-red-contrib-countdown node:

1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.
2. Open Node-RED.
3. Go to the Menu > Manage Palette > Install > Type: node-red-contrib-countdown > Click on “Install”.

If everything went well, you will be able to see your nodes in the left menu.

 Node-RED Flow

Now, let's create the Node-RED flow!

1. First, add a Dashboard switch node with the following configurations:

Add a Dashboard switch node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

2. Then, add a change node to set to msg.payload. With this configuration, you will set a flow variable for the numeric value to start the counter or not. 

Add a change node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

3. Wire a switch node to evaluate the variable. If it is true, you will be able to activate the countdown. Otherwise, you will not.

Wire a switch node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

4. As we can see in the node-red-contrib-countdown documentation, you need the topic: “control” to reload the timer. So, now you are going to add a numeric Dashboard node to have a numeric widget to set the counter value, and you will set the msg.topic to “control”. 

Also, you will set a range of seconds and type a label to display on the dashboard.

Numeric dashboard node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

5. Add a switch node and evaluate if the variable is true.

Add a switch node if the variable is true - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

6. Add the countdown node after the switch node and configure it. Now, connect the first output of the “eval” node to the input of the “if is true” and the second output to the countdown node.

Add the countdown node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

7.  Connect an Industrial Shields digital write node from Industrial Shields after the "if is true" node to activate the output when the time is set. Select an output and set the value HIGH.

8. The countdown node emits a "true" when it starts and a "false" when it ends from the first output. Add a switch node and switch if msg.payload is false to send the value to a "write" digital output node with the value set to LOW. This will ensure that once the counter ends, the same output is turned off.

9. Finally, add a text dashboard node, to show, from the second output of the countdown node, each of the counter numbers.

Add a text dashboard node - Node-RED flow - Node-RED Example: How to set a countdown on Raspberry PLC

Now, it is time to go to your Node-RED dashboard: YOUR-IP-ADDRESS:1880/ui and try it out.

Note that when you activate the switch button, there will be no countdown until you press any arrow to set the counter time.

Go to the Menu > Import > And paste this code below to paste it directly to the flow. > Click on Import and enjoy!

[{"id":"aed4ed95.51fd3","type":"tab","label":"Flow 1","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"36dab66.105b04a","type":"ui_numeric","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"","label":"Set time","tooltip":"","group":"2200bc67.e75214","order":2,"width":0,"height":0,"wrap":false,"passthru":true,"topic":"control","topicType":"str","format":"{{value}}","min":0,"max":"1000000","step":1,"x":120,"y":380,"wires":[["57e3fd14.c6faf4"]]},{"id":"54847c0b.8278a4","type":"ui_switch","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"","label":"Active","tooltip":"","group":"2200bc67.e75214","order":1,"width":0,"height":0,"passthru":true,"decouple":"false","topic":"","topicType":"str","style":"","onvalue":"true","onvalueType":"bool","onicon":"","oncolor":"","offvalue":"false","offvalueType":"bool","officon":"","offcolor":"","animate":false,"x":110,"y":240,"wires":[["2c4caab0.b6e2e6"]]},{"id":"e3726420.761328","type":"countdown","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"","topic":"","payloadTimerStart":"true","payloadTimerStartType":"bool","payloadTimerStop":"false","payloadTimerStopType":"bool","timer":"0","resetWhileRunning":true,"setTimeToNewWhileRunning":true,"startCountdownOnControlMessage":true,"x":550,"y":380,"wires":[["c5266af7.683928"],["cdb38e2b.3152d"]]},{"id":"cdb38e2b.3152d","type":"ui_text","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","group":"2200bc67.e75214","order":3,"width":0,"height":0,"name":"","label":"Time remaining","format":"{{msg.payload}}","layout":"row-spread","x":1020,"y":260,"wires":[]},{"id":"57e3fd14.c6faf4","type":"switch","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"if is true","property":"active","propertyType":"flow","rules":[{"t":"true"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":330,"y":380,"wires":[["6be8442b.afdf6c","e3726420.761328"]]},{"id":"2c4caab0.b6e2e6","type":"change","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"set to msg.payload","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"active","pt":"flow","to":"payload","tot":"msg"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":490,"y":240,"wires":[["e99f47d5.17f628"]]},{"id":"e99f47d5.17f628","type":"switch","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"eval","property":"active","propertyType":"flow","rules":[{"t":"true"},{"t":"false"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":760,"y":240,"wires":[["cdb38e2b.3152d","57e3fd14.c6faf4"],["e3726420.761328"]]},{"id":"c5266af7.683928","type":"switch","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","name":"is msg.payload is false","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"false"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":1,"x":780,"y":400,"wires":[["3eab10e.ae300f"]]},{"id":"3eab10e.ae300f","type":"rpiplc-digital-write","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","rpiplc":"d44e8434.83bc08","pin":"Q0.0","value":"0","name":"","x":1020,"y":400,"wires":[]},{"id":"6be8442b.afdf6c","type":"rpiplc-digital-write","z":"aed4ed95.51fd3","rpiplc":"d44e8434.83bc08","pin":"Q0.0","value":"1","name":"","x":550,"y":460,"wires":[]},{"id":"2200bc67.e75214","type":"ui_group","name":"Default","tab":"7e6b74f7.76b2ec","order":1,"disp":false,"width":"6","collapse":false},{"id":"d44e8434.83bc08","type":"rpiplc-config","model":"RPIPLC_57R","name":""},{"id":"7e6b74f7.76b2ec","type":"ui_tab","name":"Home","icon":"dashboard","disabled":false,"hidden":false}]


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Node-RED Tutorial: How to set a countdown on Raspberry Pi PLC controller
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